Monday, March 25, 2013

That One Time in Philly


We had a hankering to see the Liberty Bell. So we threw caution to the wind and rented a car with a really dumb GPS. That's what we get for leaving ours in England. Then two hours and a million dollars in tolls later, we were there! The weather was glorious and I didn't even wear my coat for most of the day! 

The Liberty Bell was really our only agenda for the day so we wandered around Philly for a while to see what they had to offer. The only other thing I really know about Philadelphia is that they make cheese steak. Hello, west coast girl right here. We snagged a tour of Independence Hall and saw the famous Rising Sun chair the George Washington used. I was really impressed with the original woodwork so I made sure to touch the railings as much as possible because, you know, all the famous people. 

There are these two warring steak shops across the street from each other in Philly named Pat's and Geno's. A girl told us that Pat's was six blocks from Independence Hall. She lied. Maybe six-TEEN. I was completely famished by the time we finally saw it, but we decided to go to Geno's instead because it was closer and they support their troops. I don't know if Pat's supports their troops, but if they had been on the other side of the street, they would have had a little extra business that evening. Nine dollars for a sandwich (even a famous sandwich) seems a little much to me. I did enjoy it though. I think I put a little too much hot sauce on Forrest's steak while he was guarding a table for us. But don't worry, he just finished mine when he couldn't take the heat anymore. 

Sidenote: I actually overheard a few people who bought both sandwiches and they preferred Geno's so maybe we made the right choice after all. I guess we'll never know.