Monday, February 11, 2013

a walk and some exciting news

The sun was so cheery the other day that I decided to trek on over to the nearest walking path to spend a little quality time with my new lens. I anticipated this walk all day until I reached the trail and was met by a tall fence and this:

"Sorry, The work being undertaken here will improve this section of the Lark Valley Path, but has been delayed by unprecedented levels of rainfall resulting in saturated ground conditions. 

Because of this we have had to extend the temporary closure of this path until the end of February to complete the works.
This closure is in place to ensure your safety  and to allow the new surface to settle and bind together. 

We would therefore request that use of this route be avoided until the path is re-opened.

Thank you for understanding."

Forlorn, I turned back and spent way too long taking pictures on the five foot section of pathway that was open and on the walk back to the farm. 

And there were horses. One was in a dashing plaid coat.

I've been wearing this herringbone cowl way too much, but I can't help it because it is so cozy and cuddly. It's probably my most favorite creation to date. 


Also, I'm really excited because I just found out that I'm going to Washington DC next week with Forrest! For a month! This is extra exciting because at first we thought I would have to stay here all alone. It's very last minute and I have never been so unprepared, but I can't wait!