Tuesday, November 26, 2013

one of those days

It has been a rough couple of weeks, let me tell you. We're homeless, jobless, and now truckless.

You know that feeling of how you fold up all of your plans into a tidy little box and then every. single. thing. unfolds in exactly the worst possible way?

That's what has been happening here in Kentucky.
It feels really bad.
And it also feels scary.

It's like America said, welcome back, now everything's going to go wrong! and here's a cold.

So, Bessie. She has gone to F150 heaven.

She lived a good life.. for a truck.

The past week and a half has been full of frustrations and professionals who really make me doubt humanity as a whole.

Add in some unexpected snow and a couple of sore throats and you've really got a party.
Seriously, Forrest is sneezing his brains out over here. Literally.

I really hate feeling this way, like nothing is ever going to settle down and just be normal. I'm tired of transition and I'm tired of not having an address or a real cell phone plan.

I realize that I have a lot more things in my life to be thankful for than to complain about. And I try to remember every time I am frustrated or worried, but sometimes I can't get past the bad feelings.
So then, like today, I sit down and cry.

Because life is frustrating.

Sometimes it's really dumb and sometimes nothing happens the way you thought it would. And most of the time it works out anyway, but it sure does not feel good while it's happening. Or not happening.

Pray for us.

Tomorrow we're going truck shopping.

This is how happy we'll be when we find one.
Thanks for the picture, Derek!

And since Thanksgiving is in two days:

I'm thankful for cold medicine and tissues. And I still stand by my decision to decline the flu shot. I've never had the flu anyway.

I'm thankful for a sweet husband who is always there to calm down his (slightly) hysterical wife in her times of need (like today).

I'm thankful for my wonderful family who gives me perspective during this transitional time in our life.

I'm thankful for Derek and Sara who have not kicked us out of their house even though we have far outstayed our welcome.

And I'm thankful that Forrest decided to grow a freedom beard as he looks quite dashing with a bearded face (it's so much longer now than that picture!)


  1. It will get better. Praying for you two. Things will work out when and how they are supposed to. God has something great for you, and it's not quite ready :)

  2. It will get better. Praying for you two. Things will work out when and how they are supposed to. God has something great for you, and it's not quite ready :)

  3. You guys will be ok. You survived England, remember? So keep calm, carry on, and remember God's got this!

  4. The storm always gets the darkest right before the sun comes out. I infested a little bit of what your dealing with as I just kinda went through the same thing. Just keep pushing on and remember that no matter what happens you and your husband have eachother. There is nothing you can't get through when you stand together. <3
